Lykken's Silvia  

Silvia 12 years of age
Name Lykken's Silvia
Born 2003-07-02
Gender Female
Color Black blotched tabby/silver
EMS-Code MCO ns 22
Reg. number xxxx
Breeder Astrid og Jørgen Lykken
Owner Grethe Aarvik
Status Sold
Comments: Sweet silver girl. She has got a lovely fur and very charming temper .

Total 9 pictures in the database, click here to view them.

Sarafina's Windboy
FD LO 112058
MCO ns 22
sort silver blotched tabby.
HCM. neg 2 years.
Dk Sarafina Jason the Argonaut f.03.12.99
FD LO 103271
MCO a blue. Tested neg. for HCM,PKD2002. OFA Hips: good
DK Sarafina`s Shawnee
FD LO 88153
MCO a 09 22 Blue blotchedtabby-white
DK Heftycat`s Quark
FD LO 82418 MCO n 0923
Black Mack tabby-white
CH. DK Appalacher Bear`s Flying Flash in Blue FD LO 80019
MCO g 22 Blue tortie blotched tabby. 7years tested neg.for HCM /PKD. OFA hips : good
Doriana`s Sarafina
FD RX 12968 Import DE
MCO ns 22 Black silver blotched tabby
IC. Guldfakse`s Fitzwilliam FD LO 75062 MCO a 22
Blue blotched tabby
CH.La Toya the Unicat
KVL R -9860 MCO ns
black smoke
DK Sarafina`s Wind of Change FD LO 101449
MCO ns 22 Black silver blotched tabby. Tested neg. for HCM.
EC. Sarafina`s Whitefoot FD LO 92753
MCO ns 09 23 Black silver mack.tabby-white
IP.CH. DK Sarafina`s Simba FD LO 80541
MCO n 09 22 Black blotched tabby- white
Tested neg. forHCM,PKD,
Hips: OFA :fair
Abanaki`s Gimme More
FD RX 9799 MCO ns 23
Black silver mack. tabby
Wrevenik Panthera FD RX 13447 Import South Africa VP 2950 MCO n 09 black-white. tested neg. for HCM. San-Toi Bullwinkle
SACR SR 42198
MCO n 09 22
Black blotched tabby- white. Tested neg. for HCM / PKD
Wrevenik Sattine Sakura SACR SR 24431
MCO n black. Tested negfor HCM / PKD

Sarafina's Cassandra
FD LO 112859
MCO ns 24
HCM. Not testet yet.
sort sølv makr.tabby

Wrevenik Sarafina Hawk
FD RX 13997 Import South Africa MCO ns black smoke. 31/2years Tested neg. for HCM/PKD
Salemcoon Centrum Silver of Wrevenik
SACR VP 3269 MCO ns 22
black silver blotched tabby
CH. Maycoons Newton of Salemcoon CFA 1744-931441V1095
MCO n 22 black blotched tabby
McKittycreek Twinkie of Salemcoon MCO fs 22
CFA 1785-902216 V1095
tortie silver blotchedtabby
CH.Salemcoon Ryo-Oko of Wrevenik SACR VP 3270 MCO ns 22
Black silver blotched tabby
GC.Stormwatch Rolnthunder of Salemcoon CFA 1792-902878 V0994
Hairbearei Angelica of Calemcoon CFA 1745-668220 V0592
MCO n 22 black blotched tabby
DK Sarafina`s Keewanee
FD LO 97772 MCO g 0923 blue tortie mack. tabby- white HCM : neg HD : neg
Guldfakse`s Tucson of Sarafina FD LO 85542
MCO n 23 black mack. tabby. 6 years old tested neg. for HCM/ PKD
Ic.WW´95/96 DK Maine-Mark`s Dakota
FD LO 78676 MCO n 23
black mack. tabby
MtKittery Hadley
FD LO 84066 MCO n 23
black mackr.tabby
GIC. Thundercats Wildflower FD RX 11626
MCO f 09 22 black tortie blotchedtabby/
white. Tested neg .for HCM/PKD 5 1/2 years old. OFA. hips: fair
EC. Cooncreole Tabasco
CFA 1740-864020 MCO d 22 red blotched tabby
CH. Coonyham Tammany
MCO a 09 22

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